Team Abhyast

Abhyast has come into reality because of these diligent and committed members. There zeal to excel and make a difference is what drives Abhyast.

Chetna Khanna

Founder, Director
" We all are bor
n with a purpose. Keep experimenting to master learning and find your purpose."

Design and Development

Ankit Brodiya
Visual communication designer
"Keep experimenting in your life, good choices will make you successful and bad choices will make you learn."

Harsh Adwani
Web Developer
"No matter how you feel; Dress up, Show Up and Never give up."

Soham Sahare
Web Developer
"Trust and confidence is something that we earn everyday through our actions and behaviour."

Kushagr Sharma
Front End Developer
"You cannot get success without an attempt. Go out, try it, and if you fail, try again harder."

Team - I Excel and I am Aware

Santhoshi Bhadri
Life skill trainer and Developer
"Pay attention to your journey more than your destination because while your destination is a mark of your achievement , your journey is a mark of who you truly are"

Kashish Uppal
Life skill trainer and Developer
"Understanding the wo
rld begins with understanding yourself. Know the world from your perspective not someone else's."

Ishrath Shaik
Life skill trainer and Developer
"Real change in th
e world starts with difficult conversations and teaching our children to be accepting and empathetic"

Ruta Sawant
Life skill trainer and Developer

Team - I Learn

Archana Shori
Subject Matter Expert

“ Be the light in the dark, let everyone be enlightened by your spark, You’ll be known for your deeds, let’s sow the beautiful seeds, Spread values, happiness and peace to glorify well-being."

Namita Lamba
Content Developer

"Learning is a journey. We learn new skills along the way and might forget a few things as well. Curiousity to learn, self belief and persistence is what really matters."

Legal and corporate affairs

Ambika Nayyar
Legal Consultant
"Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve"