COVID-19, A Child's Worst Nightmare

“Children thrive when they are safe and protected, when family and community connections are stable and nurturing, and when their basic needs are met.”[1] 

"COVID-19 can seriously leave a negative impact on children's mental health, just like other traumatic experiences humans may face. It can lead to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This causes fear in children because the virus threatens not just them but also their families and surroundings, especially as they see their parents working from home, leading to fear and shock". [2] What is most worrying is the children’s state of mind. With so much negativity around, the flame of hope that should have been the very foundation on which their personalities should have taken shape has lost its vigour.  It is important to work on the possibilities and the actions that we can take to ensure that the mental health of our children is not affected adversely. 

When children express their fears or feel anxious, instead of ignoring them it is important that we make them understand that it is absolutely normal to feel that way. Just like us they also fear uncertainty and isolation, but unlike us their brains are not developed enough to cope with such emotions. Hence, It is important to work on the possibilities and the actions to ensure that COVID - 19 doesnot leave a permanent scar on a child's wellbeing.

Scenario 1: 

You and your family members are safe from the infection


If all of you are infected, strictly follow the advice of your medical practitioner

For the wellbeing of your child, please ensure that you :

Scenario 2 :

You are infected with the virus and are staying away from your child.

Such a situation may develop a number of insecurities in your child’s mind. In such a situation you can :

Many times we come across several difficulties that may seem impossible to conquer. Our will towards doing things might seize or even die completely. At times like this the worst of things could take up one's mind and thoughts.Children never fail to imitate their elders, hence it is extremely important that we be mindful of our actions and behaviour so that our children learn the essential life skills of coping with emotions, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, self awareness and empathy in these difficult times when we are the most vulnerable.